Vegetation Control

Vegetation Maintenance around power lines

We use certified utility tree worker and utility tree trimmers who are qualified for working near energized power lines. They use methods like brush mow, hand slash, and spraying to maintain vegetation. Sometimes our work will require bucket trucks.

Customized Strategies

We recognize that every project is unique, which is why we develop customized vegetation control strategies tailored to your specific requirements and environmental conditions. Whether you need targeted vegetation removal, selective herbicide applications, or integrated management plans, we have the expertise to design solutions that deliver results.

Advanced Techniques

Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and industry-leading techniques, our skilled team of professionals ensures efficient and effective vegetation control outcomes. From mechanical clearing and mowing to precision herbicide application and invasive species management, we employ the most appropriate methods to achieve your project goals while minimizing environmental impact.

Environmental Stewardship:

At Sturgeon Lake Resources, we are committed to environmental stewardship and responsible land management practices. We prioritize environmentally friendly approaches and strive to minimize disruption to native vegetation, wildlife habitats, and ecological processes. Our team adheres to strict environmental regulations and guidelines to ensure compliance and protect sensitive ecosystems.

Maintenance around powerlines

Sturgeon Lake Resources team of certified utility tree workers, and utility tree trimmers are qualified for working near energized powerlines. Our crews utilize various methods such as brush mow, hand slash, and our bucket truck for the hazard trees to maintain vegetation.

**SLR does NOT spray due to our own belief on the affects it has on our traditional lands, traditional vegetation / medicines, and our animals.** 


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